​Hi! My name is Akyera, but you can call me AK. 

​I'm a... queer, creative story teller. portrait photographer (of 10 years!!). sister. feeler. follower of Jesus. justice seeker. & neighbor.

Community is beautiful to me and I love living in a place where people know and love their neighbors. I went to undergrad for social work and currently serve my community as a youth practitioner. If you are into the Enneagram, I am a 4w3. If you're not, I'm a Pisces, ENFP, or Hufflepuff. My coffee order is cold brew, with a pump of sweetness, & some OAT MILK. I'm not sure how to express who I am in the pocket on my website, but I'm willing to learn about you and receive questions you may have for me!

But AHHH enough about me-- I just have such a passion for people and their stories. I want people to feel loved and seen in front of my lens. I love love and taking photos of all its forms. Let's find a personal and comfortable atmosphere for us to be ourselves in. It's story time and I want to hear all about your's. :)

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